Starting Wednesday, July 29, Joseph E. Coleman Library will allow members to request and pick-up library materials at the building’s front entrance, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Coleman Library closed more than four months ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It hasn’t opened its doors to the public since. Coleman’s Regional Librarian, Roben Manker, said an empty library had been an “unreal” experience. Coleman is usually filled with community members.
Manker said the recently announced service is one way they hope to reconnect with the community. “Because you know, we really miss them [library members]. “And we’ve always wanted to be able to find some way the public can have access to the materials that are housed in our buildings.”
Library members can place materials on hold by calling 215-685-2153 or using Coleman’s website. Users will log-in to their Free Library account with their library card information and PIN. After logging in, they can request materials; books, audiobooks, DVDs, and CDs.
Users must schedule an appointment to pick up their items in the library foyer located at the front entrance. New library cards can be acquired online.
Coleman Library is known for other services and special programmings like free yoga classes and summer reading programs. Manker said some of their group events turned virtual, while others will have to wait until reopening. All information for programming can be found on their Facebook page.
The future of Coleman is uncertain, according to Manker. “The virus determines everything,” she said. “It determines what we can do and the services we can provide. We’re not there yet. I don’t know when we’ll be there.”
In the meantime the Coleman dropbox is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, Monday through Friday. The inside of the library will remain closed to the public until further notice.