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Philly School District opens discussion forum on upcoming school year

If you’re wondering what school will look like next year, the Philadelphia School District is hosting a week-long virtual town hall session for parents. 

District leaders are sharing information about the upcoming school year and listening to feedback. You can register on the school district website to join the upcoming town halls. District medical officer Dr. Barbara Klock led yesterday’s first session on health and safety protocols. 

“Four pillars that we will use to stave off the coronavirus include hygiene, masks, distancing, and screening for symptoms,” Block said during yesterday’s virtual session, according to The Philadelphia Tribune. “We will need everyone’s cooperation and collaboration to make sure this process will be done smoothly.”

The town hall sessions started yesterday, Tuesday, July 7, and will end Thursday, July 9. Each day will consist of one to two themed sessions; safety protocols, cleaning practices, school calendar changes and more listed on their website.

The town hall will be streamed on PSTV live stream, Comcast/Xfinity Channel 52, Verizon Fios 20, and on Facebook at PhillySchools. The district will upload past town halls to their Facebook, Youtube, and website for parents unavailable to join the live conversation. 

You can register here to sign up for the upcoming town halls. 

Wednesday, July 8, 1-2 p.m.

A Talk with Alicia Prince, Acting Chief of Facilities Management and Capital Programs

Cleaning practices and protocols, and facility enhancements

Thursday, July 9, 12 – 1 p.m.

A Talk with Dr. Evelyn Nunez, Chief of Schools

Scheduling and school calendar

Thursday, July 9, 5 – 6 p.m.

A Talk with Dr. Barbara Klock, Medical Officer

Health & safety practices and protocols