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The new Weavers Way Germantown is officially open

Two years ago, the Weavers Way Co-op Board announced plans to expand the market into the Germantown neighborhood. Though it was initially planned to launch in the summer of 2023, the newest branch of the co-op was launched on Wednesday afternoon.

The co-op already has stores in Mt. Airy, Chestnut Hill, and Ambler, PA. These three locations don’t include the smaller offshoots throughout the Northwest Philly region.

The new store, which spans about 6,000 square feet of retail space, is located at the intersection of Chelten Avenue and Morris Street (328 W Chelten). It offers a modest parking lot, with one accessible space, and convenient access to public transportation via buses J & 26 and the Chestnut Hill West line.

Because the site once was home to an Acme market, it has the infrastructure of a typical grocery store, complete with a freight elevator.

As general manager Job Roesser says, it’s a “full-service market” with all the same things you love about the other locations but with more breathing room. Aisles and departments include packaged groceries, perishable groceries, a small household cleaning section, health and wellness products, frozen, meat and seafood, prepared foods, a deli, bulk, and more.

The store also features interesting features for non-verbal communicators, such as signs posted around the store with specific American Sign Language phrases that folks can sign to receive help. There is also a new kiosk at the deli section that folks can use to order their food, though there’s still the option to order from the clerk.

American Sign Language posted in the vestibule entryway (GIH | Rasheed Ajamu)

There’s also a neighborhood touch, with Germantown-branded merchandise being sold by neighbor Jeff Smith, who acquired the brand in 1998.

Neighbors have sung praises for the long-anticipated market.

There’s also a neighborhood touch, with Germantown-branded merchandise being sold by neighbor Jeff Smith, who acquired the brand in 1998.

Neighbors have sung praises for the long-anticipated market.

One neighbor who attended the second-day opening says she enjoys it because “it’s spacious.” Another neighbor, Lynda Wilson, says, “It’s so good to have something like this in the neighborhood. It’s important to have access and proximity to things like this. This makes it easier.”

State Rep. Darisha Parker said on Facebook, “I’m glad I was able to secure funding along with Congressman Evans, Senator Street, Senator Hughes, Councilmember Bass, and our City Commerce Department. I’m proud we worked together to change this neighborhood.”

Roesser says it’s been a long time, but he hopes the store’s presence will make neighbors “proud.”

Weavers Way Germantown is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday through Saturday.