In both holidays it is traditional for congregants to congregations religious services and gather with families and friends to feast. This year celebrations will be very different because of the COVID-19 crisis. Places of worship are trying to hold on to important religious traditions while adhering to stay-at-home orders.
Many religious observances will go online. “There will be services on Facebook,” said Rev. Chester Williams, a member of Jones Temple Church of God in Christ. “But everyone [is just praying] for this to go by faster.”
The lack of physical interaction will affect some places of worship. For example, Pastor Bob Coombe of First United Methodist Church of Germantown, said most churches balance their checkbook on Christmas and Easter because of the high attendance and offerings. But Coombe said FUMCOG utilizes their Easter offering differently every year.
“This church gives it away,” Coombe said. “We have what’s called a community needs program. So there are five community organizations that have applied before all of this started, and the Easter money gets divided up by the organizations.”
FUMCOG has funded organizations like Interfaith Hospitality Network and Face to Face in the past. Coombe said they sent out their offering envelopes via mail, but is unsure what the funds will look like this year.
Below is a list of Churches and Synagogues who will be celebrating Passover and Easter services on Zoom, Facebook Live, Youtube and more platforms.
Germantown Jewish Centre
Platform: Youtube Live Stream
Pesah (Special Guidance for Passover): Various days and times
Germantown Mennonite Church
Platform: Zoom
Tenebrae Service: Saturday (designed for youth)
Sunday Easter Service: Fellowship at 10 a.m., Service at 11 a.m.
Jones Temple Church of God in Christ
Platform: Facebook Live
First United Methodist Church of Germantown
Platform: Zoom
Sunday Easter Service: 11 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church in Germantown
Platform: YouTube Live Stream
Good Friday Tenebrae Service: 7:30 p.m.
Sunday Easter Service: 10 a.m.
Canaan Baptist Church
Platform: Canaan Online Campus Platform
Sunday Easter Service: 9:15 a.m.
The Grace Baptist Church
Platform: Facebook Live
Good Friday Service: 7 p.m
Sunday Easter Service: 10 a.m.
Janes Memorial United Methodist Church
Platform: Facebook Live and/or Zoom
Sunday Easter Service: 11 a.m.
Saint Vincent DePaul Roman Catholic Church
Platform: Facebook Live
Good Friday Service: 7 p.m.
Sunday Easter Service: 9 a.m.
St. Luke’s Church
Platform: Facebook Live
Holy Saturday Service: Noon & 6 p.m.
Easter Sunday Service: 10 a.m.