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Updated plans for Germantown-related routes amid ‘bus revolution’ revealed

In January, SEPTA announced it would delay its bus system overhaul. Last Monday, SEPTA hosted another Transit Talk to reveal their new draft of plans in response to the overwhelming feedback riders received during their winter 2023 community conversations. Those draft updates include significant changes in Germantown bus routes.

Eight of the nine routes running through Germantown will experience pronounced changes to Germantown riders. The K bus would stop serving Germantown.

Route Changes

Route 18

The 18’s western end would combine with route 8 for service between Cedarbrook Plaza and Frankford Transportation Center (FTC). The route will take a more direct route onto Chew Ave. from the plaza via Wadsworth Ave., Thouron Ave., and Upsal St. The service will still run down Chew Ave. and Olney Ave.

Route 23

There will be no changes made to the 23.

Route K & 26

The K will no longer run through Germantown, as it will service riders going between FRTC and Frankford Transportation Center. Riders who relied on East Falls connections should refer to details for route H, and riders who relied on Chelten Ave. connections should refer to route 26/65 information.

Routes 26 & 65

SEPTA will merge the 65 with the 26 for transit between Fern Rock Transportation Center (FRTC) and 69th Street Transportation Center (69th St TC), which, after it departs from FRTC, will keep the 26’s original Olney Ave., Chew Ave., and Chelten Ave. route, until it turns on Wayne Ave. to transition into the original 65 route. It will be the only bus to service alongside Chelten Ave. from Chew to Wayne Ave. It would run every 15 minutes from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends.

Route 53

The 53 will no longer begin in West Mount Airy. Instead, it will start at Germantown Station and run down Chelten Ave. before going its original route via Wayne Ave. and extending its service to Richmond & Westmoreland Loop via Hunting Park Ave., Erie-Torresdale Station, Butler Street, and Castor Ave. Refer to details for route H for connections to Wayne Ave. north of Chelten Ave. 

Route J

The J will no longer run below Wayne Ave., as it will stop at Germantown Station. It will run to Orthodox & Richmond via Arrott Transportation Center. It will also run every 30 minutes daily. Refer to route 26/65 information if you relied on Chelten Ave.

Route H

Route H will no longer have direct service to Erie Station. It will take on parts of the K’s existing alignment west of Wayne Ave., creating a new connection between Wissahickon Transportation Center and Cheltenham & Ogontz Loop. The service on Wayne Ave. will span from Penn St to Lincoln Dr.

Route XH

The only change the XH will encounter is more frequent service, running every 15 minutes on weekdays and weekends.

SEPTA Forward will host their next Bus Revolution webinar for Northwest Philly riders on Monday, April 24, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Register here. There’s an in-person community meeting the following day on Tuesday, April 25, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Joseph E. Coleman Library on 68 W Chelten Ave. There is no registration required.

All bus network changes and updates are on the SEPTA Forward website for viewing.
You can contact the Bus Revolution team at or (267) 291-6045